Web 3.0 – An Empowering Revolution for Women

Web 3.0 – An Empowering Revolution for Women

The internet is one of the most revolutionary technologies to ever grace humanity.

Let’s go back in time to where it all started…

The web has come a long way since its inception in 1989.

We call it the web 1.0 era…

Where the World Wide Web was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.

His vision for an interconnected computer system that would allow scientists around the world to share experiments was soon dominated by AOL, Compuserve, and other portals.

These online service providers became known as Web 1.0 - where businesses began consuming content from individuals or governments posting information on their behalf; it is thanks in part due to these early websites like Yahoo!

The Netscape Corporation launched its browser at exactly 1994 prompting what we know today as "dot com" explosion which led us into unexplored territory.

The internet in its early days was largely dominated by men.

Then came web 2.0...

This enabled masses of users to participate in content creation on social networks, blogs, sharing sites, and more.

The internet become a massive app store, with centralization coming into focus -- as companies like Google and Facebook allow users to build audiences and monetize user data through targeted advertising.

Web 2.0 may still be a man's world, but that doesn't mean women can't play in the big boys' pool! More women took the advantage by sharing their content for social media marketing - many with amazing results.

Besides social media, among the most influential women in Web 2.0 are:

· Leah Culver, a lead developer and a founder of social networking site Pownce. She made it possible for people to quickly and easily swap large media (like files, movies, photos) without crashing their systems.

· Rashmi Sinha, CEO and co-founder of SlideShare. She was the first to create a site that allowed slides to be taken beyond limited office or educational use and shared online.

· Marissa Mayer is a powerhouse in the tech industry. A 10-year veteran of Google, Mayer was a major player behind many of the company’s most popular interactive services, including Gmail, the first email program to follow a threaded-message model.

Here comes the exciting part…

As I write this blog post, we’re transitioning into the Web 3.0 era.

Web 3.0 manifests the new frontier for freedom and creativity!

No longer must ANY INDIVIDUAL wait to be approved by some central authority before posting anything on the internet -- we can now post without permission.

This decentralized economy presents a huge opportunity to level the economic playing field.

This allows women to access into web 3.0 with equal rights to bring us much-needed change while also opening up doors wide open for innovation in all aspects of life.

We have seen many female creators, collectors and technology innovators are breaking into these two blockchain technologies and making them accessible and inclusive for all.

Among the women who are breaking the bias in Web 3.0 are…

·       Yam Karkai who created The World of Women (WoW) collection who wanted to use the NFT space to create a global community that encourages diversity and equal opportunities for creators and contributors.

·       Mahila Abidi is the in crypto space. She believes that artists will be able to showcase their collections with new technologies and has ambitious goals for bringing 100,000 girls into this world by 2022

Mahila’s goal? To bring 100,000 girls and women into this exciting space by end of 2022.

In summary,

While the web 3.0 era is still in its early stages…

We can finally achieve true digital freedom by decentralizing data and applications platforms that have been previously centralized in order to allow individuals back their rights over themselves as well as other people's information stored on these same networks.

And the good news is…

The web 3.0 era has opened up so many opportunities for women, and we can't wait until what they'll accomplish with these technology advancements!

But one thing is sure – they will be at the forefront of the web 3.0 revolution!